Improve Your Smile with Invisalign from Medical Arts Dental

Improve Your Smile with Invisalign from Medical Arts Dental

Smiling is something most people do 50 times in a day on average. It can convey a thank you, it can be a simple act of kindness, and it is scientifically proven to improve your health and happiness.

Some people smile less because they have crooked teeth and feel embarrassed to show them – especially in adulthood. Everyone should be proud to show off their smile, so what’s the solution?

The first solution that most people jump to is braces. The unsightly appearance of braces alone is enough to deter many adults from seeking treatment, but add to that the months (or even years) that a person may have to wear braces and you’ll understand why it’s so undesirable.

Luckily, there is another alternative for improving a smile that is far preferable to braces and hardly even noticeable! This alternative is called

Invisalign, which we offer at Medical Arts Dental. To help you figure out whether or not this is an option you’d like to explore, here are some things to know about Invisalign:

The Basics of the Invisalign Lifestyle
Invisalign fixes your smile using clear aligners that your dentist custom molds for your smile each time you go in. In order for the aligners to work properly, you need to wear them for at least 22 hours per day, otherwise your treatment will take far longer and may not be fully successful.

It’s imperative that you remove the aligners before you eat or drink anything other than cold water, as heat will easily ruin them. Additionally, you’ll want to carry a toothbrush with you so that you can quick brush your teeth before putting the aligners back in after eating, otherwise the food in your teeth can cause plaque or even decay over long periods of time.

How Noticeable are the Aligners?
The aligners are clear and virtually invisible, many patients who go through treatment say that no one even knew they were wearing them! One thing to note is that you may speak a little differently for the first few days while your tongue is adjusting to sharing your mouth with the aligners, but after the initial adjustment period, things go back to normal.

How do You Keep the Aligners Clean?
You can clean your aligners by simply using a soft toothbrush and a small amount of your usual toothpaste, or you can purchase cleaning tablets that dissolve in water.

How Often do You Return to the Dentist for New Aligners?
You’ll need to see your dentist every 6-8 weeks to check your progress and get new aligners to further straighten your teeth and continue that progress!

So many adults resist orthodontic care that can boost their confidence and enhance their smile because braces seem to be the only option. In truth, Invisalign is the better option that can provide all the benefits of braces without all the unpleasantries.

Click here to contact us at Medical Arts Dental to set up your Invisalign consultation today!